In one of our earlier posts, I mentioned that in order to connect and communicate with someone, we need to observe which DISC style the person is and we then adapt accordingly.
What if, in the audience, all Four styles are present? How do we adapt our speeches then? The answer is DISC (this)! Using the acronym D-I-S-C, prepare and present your speech in that very same process: Step 1: Start by targeting the D-Style audience. They (Dominant) are results-oriented, so go straight to the point by sharing the results and impact in your speech. This is to get their buy-in, or you'll lose them. Step 2: Next, inject fun and energetic elements in your speech. You will win the I-(Interactive) Style audience with this method. Step 3: Following which, start sharing personal stories. Include some elements of empathy and sincerity to connect with the S-(Supportive) Style audience. Step 4: Finally, go into the details of your speech. Includes figures and charts wherever possible. The C-(Conscientious) Style audience will appreciate you. There is no hard and fast rule. As long as you honour their styles, the audience will reciprocate positively. Till then, thank you for your readership. Towards communication excellence - create a presence, make a difference. Regards, Hazriq Idrus Founder, The Speaking Factory Pte Ltd Author, The Stage Fright Antidote!
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