![]() Not enough time to prepare for your presentations? Remember these 3 H.O.T Tips that you must have as you prepare your presentations. 1) Hook If you start the session by saying, "Hi, I am <your name> from <your dept/ company>, it appears normal and boring. So, change the style. Engage the audience right from the start. Hook them. One way to hook them is to ask and get their response: An example: Ask them to answer this question by raising their hands: "Who believes that public speaking is an important skill to have?" We can easily get their responses and engage them at the same time. 2) Odd-numbered Topics Break your topics into three parts (or odd numbers). This is because human brains are designed to remember odd numbers easily. 3) The Call-to-Action At the end of the presentation, always include your call-to-action, so that the audience will know what to do next. It could be the next date of your meeting, deadlines for them to meet etc. Apply these three tips and your audience will appreciate you. Towards your continued success, Hazriq Idrus Business Creativity & Speaking Strategist Author of 3 books, including "The Stage Fright Antidote" Founder, The Speaking Factory Pte Ltd Hazriq Idrus is Asia's Dynamic Business Creativity and Speaking Strategist. He is the author of The Stage Fright Antidote and co-authored two other books. Hazriq founded The Speaking Factory with a mission is to empower professionals with High-Energy transformational training for professional and organisational growth. If you would like Hazriq to speak at your organisation, or work with you in training & coaching, contact him at [email protected].
What do I speak on when I'm given a platform to do one?If you have been given a platform to speak, speak. You'll never know that the outcome could lead you to some business prospects, or solutions to someone's problem; and definitely it will develop your self-confidence. While there is a saying, "Practice Makes Perfect", but the more exposure you'll have, the better speaker you'll be.
So what to speak, then? We can use this guideline (P.E2): - Passion - Expertise - Experience 1) Passion Share about things that you are passionate about. If you are into football, share your insights about football. If you like baking, share your experience when and why did you start to do baking. Everyone has a passion (or more). When you share about what you are passionate about, you will have content to share to the audience; and your story will come naturally. 2) Expertise/ Experience Everyone is an expert in their own area/ field. When you share with others on what you are good at, it could benefit others who come to listen to you. Pepper that with that stories with your life experiences. People like to hear stories. Stories moved people and your stories could inspire and motivate others. Yours creatively, Hazriq Idrus Founding Director The Speaking Factory Pte Ltd www.thespeakingfactory.com |
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