![]() One of idea triggers that I frequently use in my workshop or consultation work is using a theatre game we called "Metaphora!". Usually played in a small group, participants would need to come up with a list of metaphoric statement that consists of three elements; (i) attributes of the problem, (ii) a metaphor item(s) , and (iii) possible solution/ reasons in this sentence format : The (attribute of problem) is like (a metaphor item(s)) because (possible solution/ reasons). Let say the problem is "On how to increase sales". Therefore, using this game, a group could come up with the following potential statements <with idea explanation>: 1) Selling is like eating ice-cream, because it is a 'cool' career path. <Idea Explanation: Useful for recruiters who would want to promote sales position as a fun and 'cool' way as a career. When sales become a career, the staff would definitely give all out and that will increase sales. 2) Buying popcorn is like watching sea lions, because both delight kids. <Idea explanation: Useful for campaigners who would want to consider looking at what attracts children and kids; that could be the trigger point to increase sales (of particular products) This game encourages participants not to censor ideas and expand their thinking. Useful for brainstorming and also energisers after breaks. Yours creatively, Hazriq Idrus Founder, The Speaking Factory Pte Ltd Author, The Stage Fright Antidote! Comments are closed.
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