Let say your team of 4 is making a decision as to which is the holiday destination that the four of you would want to go to; among the three countries already identified. eg Hong Kong, Vietnam, Japan.
One method of creative decision making is to use "$10" voting. Which means each team member can vote by "allocating" the different amount (based on total $10 per person) for each country. Then, after the voting session, tally up the totals allocated amounts. The country with the highest amounts wins. Eg: Member A votes : HK = $5; Vietnam = $3; Japan=$2 Member B votes : HK = $2; Vietnam = $7; Japan=$1 Member C votes : HK = $3; Vietnam = $4; Japan=$3 Member D votes : HK = $5; Vietnam = $2; Japan=$3 Total Tally by each country: HK = $15 Vietnam = $16 Japan = $9 In this example, Vietnam wins as it has the highest amounts ($16). So, Vietnam is the holiday destination for this example. Yours creatively, Hazriq Idrus Author, The Stage Fright Antidote! Founder, The Speaking Factory Pte Ltd
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