The moment we were born, the first thing is did was to - communicate! Yes, we cried! During those infant years, we cried to request for our food. As we grow older, we send messages through our body languages; if we are hungry, we would rub our tummy, if we are thirsty, we would rub our throat. If we threw tantrums, we would hit the floor hard with our feet - and some would throw things! During each of this situations, our parents or guardians who were looking after us, would do all means to meet our "request". You see, we are born with the ability to speak. But when it comes to public speaking, statistics have shown that it is the number One Fear! Humans are just "afraid" to speak! But, we are experts in speaking! We do that every day. We speak to our friends, to our clients, our bosses etc. What if we can leverage on this "gift" of ours, and bring ourselves to the next level? How about bringing back those skills again to climb up the corporate ladder, or to attract more clients, or to simply help people? I believe through speaking and communicating, we can develop our Presence. Whether we are climbing up the corporate ladder, or excel in the job interview, or create a followings as a business owner, Presence is esssential. I believe the Presence makes up of three Cs - Three Cs that we need in career or in life that would position us differently from other people in any industry. Connection - It is important to engage with other people and make them comfortable in your presence. This people could be your potential partners or future bosses that you would be working with. And in order to engage people, it is important to understand the communication style so it will be in sync. Confidence - To stand out from the rest, we need to have the confidence, not just about on what to say, but how we say it. The ability to stay positive in any situation, stay focus when doing things and the body posture we exude makes a difference. Given two equally qualified candidates for a position in an organisation, the employer would go for a candidate that exudes a high level of self-confidence. Charisma - Imagine this. You are able to draw people's attention. People loves to be with you. In order to be charismatic, two important attributes that you possess - the ability to be "in the moment" and the art of listening. When you genuinely listen to the person next to you and immerse into the situation that very moment with being distracted, people will reciprocate positively. Yours creatively Hazriq Idrus Founder, The Speaking Factory Pte Ltd Author, The Stage Fright Antidote! Comments are closed.
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